The Academy is established by SEG Australia, an organization with over 27 years of experience in education and training. We offer a variety of courses in the field of English, Business, Hospitality, IT, Leadership, as well as customized programs for working professionals. The Academy's forte is its English program, which has given it a reputation as one of the best language centers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Academy is also rapidly becoming known, as an institution for developing individuals that are highly sought after for their professionalism and distinguished skills. Main campus is enviously located within Sheraton Hotel precinct which is a prominent five star hotel in the Golden Triangle. In addition the location is convenient for students to commute on an everyday basis, and easily accessible to a variety of restaurants, shopping malls, banking facilities, and public transport.
Pusat Bahasa Gabungan (Inter-Link Language Centre) was approved by the Ministry of Education in Malaysia (MOE) and founded with the aim of improving language instruction and providing courses of the highest quality. We realised there is a high growing demand for quality language education in our society today hence ILC was established to meet these demand. From the day of establishment, we have taken up the challenge of offering quality and excellent language education, and our excellent learning environment has spoken volumes of us. With over twenty years' experience by our executives and teachers, ILC has capable hands that will help our students achieve a positive output within a very short term. By choosing ILC you will study from listening to speaking and reading to writing up to advanced courses. You would be able to appreciate the new language and lifestyle as you enjoy your stay in Malaysia. ILC strives to improve language skills through quality, excellent, innovative, and technical ways of learning. We intend to provide high-quality language education and to keep up with the latest teaching methods supported by the very best teaching resources available.
Η Vision International Academy είναι μια εδραιωμένη εταιρεία από το 2009 με ένα περιβάλλον εκμάθησης για την ανάπτυξη ανθρώπινου κεφαλαίου. Είμαστε στρατηγικά τοποθετημένοι κοντά στο εμπορικό κέντρο Ampang Point, όπου όλες οι ανέσεις είναι εφικτές. Το VIA είναι άρτια εξοπλισμένο με σύγχρονες και άνετες αίθουσες διδασκαλίας, όπως οπτικοακουστικό εργαστήριο και αίθουσα εκπαίδευσης. Χρησιμοποιούμε εγχειρίδια και πόρους από τα πιο αξιόπιστα υλικά αγγλικής γλώσσας στον κόσμο. Οι έμπειροι εκπαιδευτικοί μας είναι γηγενείς ομιλητές με εκτεταμένη διδακτική εμπειρία. Δουλεύουν ευέλικτα χρησιμοποιώντας μια ποικιλία υλικών και πόρων που επικεντρώνονται στις ανάγκες των σπουδαστών και στο κενό ατομικών δεξιοτήτων. Εκτός από τη γενική αγγλική γλώσσα και την προετοιμασία του IELTS, παρέχουμε μια σειρά από προγράμματα κατάλληλα για όλες τις ηλικιακές ομάδες, συμπεριλαμβανομένων δεξιοτήτων ακαδημαϊκής ανάγνωσης και γραφής, μαθημάτων για νέους μαθητές, μαθήματα συνομιλίας αγγλικών και άλλων μαθημάτων γλωσσών. Η ακαδημία μας είναι ευνοϊκή για την εκμάθηση όπου η ασφάλεια και η άνεση των μαθητών μας έχουν μεγάλη σημασία. Το εκπαιδευμένο προσωπικό μας είναι πάντα έτοιμο να παράσχει την απαραίτητη βοήθεια σε φοιτητές που χρειάζονται οποιαδήποτε βοήθεια.
Sheffield team would like to thank you for your interest and welcome you to our Academy. We provide high quality teaching with excellent facilities, affordable fee and easily accessible due to our fantastic location in the heart of KLCC. Set up by the Sheffield Education Group Australia, we have highly skilled and knowledgeable staff with expertise in specialist areas to ensure our students from about 30 countries have the most relevant and up to date teaching. We also offer small class sizes, a year-round enrolment, and native English speaking teachers. True to our motto “You fix the target; we help you achieve it”, you will find all you need at Sheffield to help you get great results to achieve your goals, and also have fun along the way.
Manchester Language Centre is a premier institution dedicated to providing the highest quality English language courses to students from around the world. Established with the vision of setting new standards in language education, we have emerged as a beacon of excellence in the field.
Ιδρύθηκε το 2011, το Γλωσσικό Κέντρο EMS ιδρύθηκε με βάση μια ισχυρή αρχή της δημιουργίας αριστείας στην παροχή εκπαίδευσης και εκπαίδευσης στην αγγλική γλώσσα στη Μαλαισία. Η μητρική της εταιρεία, η Citinetics Sdn. Bhd που έγινε γνωστή ως Tetuan Citinetics Sdn. Bhd., Το 2011, υπήρξε εξέχων φορέας στον τομέα της εκπαίδευσης και ισχυρός υποστηρικτής της διά βίου μάθησης εδώ και πολλά χρόνια. Από το 2003, η Citinetics Sdn. Η Bhd. Άνοιξε δρόμους για την εκμάθηση, οργάνωση και διαχείριση τάξεων, εργαστηρίων, σεμιναρίων και προγραμμάτων σπουδών για επαγγελματικούς σκοπούς στην Κουάλα Λουμπούρ.
Brighten your ENGLISH with fun at BRIGHT LANGUAGE CENTER! BRIGHT LANGUAGE CENTER is a quality professional school dedicated to delivering the highest educational standards of our offered english courses. Our team consists of qualified professionals to make your experience memorable by making learning english fun and worthwhile. We believe learning english is more efficient through fun activities. BRIGHT LANGUAGE CENTER which strategically located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, with well-equipped classrooms and students from different countries, is your ideal place to study english!
located at the heart of Malaysia, 5 minute walk from "Petronas Twin Towers" ( KLCC ) Our mission is to take part in Student’s Journey to Success. We provide student’s from all over the world with the tools to express themselves with confidence, in an English speaking environment. Our goal is to promote intercultural respect between learners from diverse backgrounds and to enable them to fulfill their personal potential on a global stage. We strive to create a positive and encouraging learning environment that has the individual's learning experience at heart and is supported by state of the art technology.
California Language Academy is located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur , a few steps away from the prestigious twin towers and Pavilion shopping mall. The school's excellent location and its wide variety of courses make it an ideal location to study English: students can choose from general English courses, examination courses, or executive courses, and can decide between just a few lessons per week to 30 lessons per week. California Language Academy has facilities that include a computer room with free internet access and self-study materials, a library and a student lounge. The school offers a monthly social and leisure calendar to invite students to practice their English skills while visiting popular points of interest in and around the city. Having access to all transportations modes makes your daily commute easy and saves your time a lot. Being surrounded with thousands of shops and restaurant you never feel board .
Stratford International Language Centre is a licensed language centre based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Rated four-stars by the Ministry of Education, we offer a variety of language courses for anyone seeking to pick up a new language, to enhance their existing language skill, or to prepare them for international language tests such as IELTS, TOEFL, and TOEIC. We take great care in employing only the best and experienced language teaching professionals to be your guide at Stratford. Friendly and fun, they are committed to creating the best learning environment for you to achieve your objectives in language learning. Our language centre is equipped with computer-based language labs and campus-wide Wi-Fi Internet access. Through the world-renowned DynEd English language course-ware, we offer students an opportunity to gain exposure to native-speaker models and participate in interactive lessons as well as practice speaking using state-of-the-art speech recognition technology. Stratford trainers regularly incorporate digital materials and online resources to make learning more efficient and effective. Our curriculum is based on years of research and real-life classroom experience in language teaching. Developed by highly-capable content designers and subject-matter experts, it helps learners master the English language in the most efficient manner possible.
ELEC Language Center is located at the heart of Kuala Lumpur, a few steps from the Petronas Twin Towers KLCC. The school's excellent location and it is wide variety of language skills make it an ideal choice to study English. ELEC provides high quality of education through worldwide advanced curriculum and top skilled faculty which help the student understand, learn and practice the English language in their academic, professional, and personal aspects. LEC has great facilities and well-equipped classrooms which offer the student better learning experience and using modern methods of teaching. Other facilities include computer lab which give the student the opportunity to develop computer skills beside the language skills. ELEC provides an adequate environment for students and enable them to further develop practicing their language through several activities after studying hours, monthly events and trips, free-internet access and self-study material, library and students lounge.
Το Premier Language Center είναι θυγατρική του CTIC Australia Cass Training International College (Νομική Οντότητα - Cass Training Pty. Ltd). Η ίδια ποιότητα της μάθησης που προσφέρεται στο Cass Training International College στο Σίδνεϊ προσφέρεται επίσης στο Premier Language Center με τους δασκάλους μας να είναι Native Speakers. Θα υπάρξει σταυροειδής ανταλλαγή προσωπικού με την οποία έμπειροι δάσκαλοι από το Σύδνεϋ θα μπορούν επίσης να ταξιδέψουν στην Κουάλα Λουμπούρ σε βάση αναγκών. Βρίσκοντας στην κεντρική επιχειρηματική περιοχή της Κουάλα Λουμπούρ, εργαζόμαστε ως ομάδα που παρέχει το υψηλότερο επίπεδο φροντίδας, βοήθειας και ακαδημαϊκών εγκαταστάσεων σε όλους τους Φοιτητές μας, η οποία σε συνδυασμό με προσωπική αφή παρέχει υψηλό βαθμό ασφάλειας στα μυαλά μας Οι σπουδαστές ενσωματώνουν έτσι την ποιότητα και τα πρότυπα που προσφέρει η ομάδα μας στο Campus του Σίδνεϊ. Οι Φοιτητές μας ενθαρρύνονται καθώς επιθυμούν, συναντιούνται και αλληλεπιδρούν με άλλους Φοιτητές από διαφορετικές χώρες και πολιτιστικό υπόβαθρο, οι οποίοι βοηθούν συνεχώς στη μελέτη και τη δημιουργία νέων φίλων. Οι εθνικότητες των φοιτητών μας κυμαίνονται από την Κίνα, την Ινδονησία, τη Μέση Ανατολή, τη Ρωσία, την Κορέα, την Ιαπωνία, την Αφρική και πολλά άλλα, γεγονός που ενισχύει την πρακτική της αγγλικής γλώσσας και εξασφαλίζει ότι οι μαθητές έχουν μια ισορροπημένη εμπειρία διαπολιτισμικού πολιτισμού που αποτελεί μέρος μιας καλής εκπαίδευσης.
Welcome to ELS Kuala Lumpur, located in the heart of Malaysia's capital city! We are committed to offering top-quality English education in an immersive, supportive environment. Our unique approach blends innovative teaching methods with a well-crafted curriculum, ensuring each student gets the attention they need to succeed. Here’s what you can expect at ELS Kuala Lumpur: 1. Language Technology Centre: Independent online learning and language practice 2. LiveSpeak Rooms: Online sessions with native English teachers 3. Learning Commons: Space for group activities, collaborative learning, and self-study 4. Smart Classrooms: Equipped with Smart TVs for interactive lessons Our Quality Assurance Process includes regular internal evaluations and external audits by NEAS Australia, ensuring our high standards. Our dedicated Student Advisors and Instructors are here to support you, both in and out of the classroom.
We are delighted to welcome you to ELS Subang Jaya, situated in the lively and trendy university town of SS 15. What truly sets us apart is our unwavering dedication to providing academic excellence and quality education. We are passionate about creating an immersive environment tailored to English language learning and our unique approach seamlessly integrates innovative teaching methodologies with a carefully crafted curriculum to meet the diverse needs of our students. Main Facilities at ELS Subang Jaya: - Language Technology Centre for independent online learning and language practice - LiveSpeak Rooms for online Customised Learning Support sessions with native English teachers - Learning Commons area for collaborative learning, group activities and self-study - Classrooms equipped with Smart TVs Our commitment to quality is demonstrated through our rigorous Quality Assurance Process, which comprises internal academic training and evaluation by the ELS Academic Planning & Training Unit and external audits conducted by the National ELT Accreditation Scheme (NEAS Australia). Last but not least, our Student Advisors and Instructors are committed to providing the best student experience in and out of the classroom.
Είτε είστε φοιτητής, είτε επαγγελματία, ή ταξιδευτής, υπάρχει ένα κύκλος μαθήματος ξένης γλώσσας Στο Kuala Lumpur που είναι κατάλληλος για σας. Υπάρχουν μάθημα αγγλικών για όλα τα γνωστικά επίπεδα, τις ηλικίες και την χρονική διάρκεια. Απλά επιλέξτε ένα είδος προγράμματος από την παρακάτω λίστα για να ξεκινήσετε.