Workshops Elective Courses

Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians


Θέματα κύκλου μαθημάτων

Ακούγοντας, ομιλία, προφορά, ανάγνωση, γραφή, λεξιλόγιο και γραμματική

Πρόγραμμα αίθουσας

Διάρκεια κύκλου σπουδών
1-8 εβδομάδες
Ημερομηνίες έναρξης
Κάθε Δευτέρα (εκτός από αρχάριους)
Ημερομηνίες έναρξης για αρχάριους
07 Απρ 2025, 05 Μάι 2025, 02 Ιούν 2025, 07 Ιούλ 2025, 21 Ιούλ 2025, 04 Αύγ 2025, 18 Αύγ 2025, 01 Σεπ 2025, 06 Οκτ 2025, 03 Νοέ 2025 και 01 Δεκ 2025
Τάξεις ανά εδομάδα
1 μαθήματα την εβδομάδα (κάθε μάθημα διαρκεί 45 min)
Ημέρες Μαθημάτων
Δευτέρα - Παρασκευή
Διακοπές σχολής
31 Μάρ 2025, 18 Απρ 2025, 15 Αύγ 2025, 08 Δεκ 2025, 21 Δεκ 2025 - 04 Ιαν 2026

Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians δεν διαθέτει μαθήματα κατά τη διάρκεια των διακοπών για τις παραπάνω ημερομηνίες. Το σχολείο δεν αναπληρώνει την διακοπή, οπότε φροντίστε να επιλέξετε ημερομηνία έναρξης σας αναλόγως.

Ώρες μαθημάτων

You can choose from the following class times:

Πρωινή συνεδρία
09:00 πμ - 12:30 μμ

Το πρόγραμμα της αίθουσας ενδέχετε να αλλάξει ανάλογα με την διαθεσιμότητα και την εποχή.

Περιγραφή κύκλου μαθημάτων

Elective Courses
An elective course is a course that can be taken as an addition to one of our English courses (standard, intensive...). You have your normal English lesson in the morning and you then attend your chosen elective course. We offer only one type of course per week; you cannot attend different elective courses in the same week.

Note that this is a group course, meaning you will be taking each lesson with other people learning English. We do not allow more than 14 participants on one elective course at a time.

Overview: Elective Courses

Improve your professional English
Broaden your skills
4 specialized courses to choose from
Canada, USA, Malta, England
Language courses for adults
Want to improve your English for professional purposes?

Sprachcaffe gives you the chance to attend specific courses that will help you out with English in professional contexts! With our elective courses, you get the opportunity to immerse yourself in certain topics while improving your language skills. There are a wide variety of courses to choose from:

Elective Courses - 4 specialized courses
Course Topic

Starting dates


Job applications & interviews
1st Monday of each month


Sales & marketing
2nd Monday of each month


Business negotiations
3rd Monday of each month


Rhetoric & presentations
4th Monday of each month


* 1 lesson = 45 minutes. Each course consists of 2 lessons per day.

Επίπεδο αίθουσας

Όλα τα επίπεδα,αρχάριο έως ανώτερο
Θα περάσετε από εξέταση την σας μέρα για να προσδιοριστεί το γνωσιακό σας επίπεδο Μπορείτε επίσης να κάνετε αυτό το τεστ πριν από την άφιξή σας στο St Julian's.

Μέγεθος τάξης

Μέγιστο 10 σπουδαστές

Ηλικία σπουδαστή

Κλίμακα ηλικιών 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος


Ένα πιστοποιητικό ολοκήρωσης θα εκδοθεί στο τέλος του κύκλου μαθημάτων.
Διαβάστε περισσότερα...


  • Το κτήριο της Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 1/33
  • Hotels offered by Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 2/33
  • Φοιτητική εστία παρέχετε από την Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 3/33
  • Φοιτητική εστία παρέχετε από την Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 4/33
  • Στέγαση φιλοξενίας παρέχετε από τηνSprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 5/33
  • Στέγαση φιλοξενίας παρέχετε από τηνSprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 6/33
  • Kitchen 7/33
  • Outdoor Pool 8/33
  • Δραστηριότητες που παρέχονται στην Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 9/33
  • Δραστηριότητες που παρέχονται στην Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 10/33
  • Το κτήριο της Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 11/33
  • Δραστηριότητες που παρέχονται στην Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 12/33
  • City of St Julian's 13/33
  • Δραστηριότητες που παρέχονται στην Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 14/33
  • Δραστηριότητες που παρέχονται στην Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 15/33
  • Σπουδαστές της Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 16/33
  • Σπουδαστές της Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 17/33
  • Δραστηριότητες που παρέχονται στην Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 18/33
  • Ocean Front View 19/33
  • Δραστηριότητες που παρέχονται στην Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 20/33
  • Δραστηριότητες που παρέχονται στην Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 21/33
  • Δραστηριότητες που παρέχονται στην Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 22/33
  • Δραστηριότητες που παρέχονται στην Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 23/33
  • Σπουδαστές της Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 24/33
  • Δραστηριότητες που παρέχονται στην Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 25/33
  • Σπουδαστές της Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 26/33
  • Είσοδος στη Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 27/33
  • Κοινή αίθουσα στην Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 28/33
  • Beach View 29/33
  • Δραστηριότητες που παρέχονται στην Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 30/33
  • Apartments offered by Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 31/33
  • Apartments offered by Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 32/33
  • Apartments offered by Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians 33/33


83% προτείνετε

με βάση 6 κριτικές
5 αστέρια
4 αστέρια
3 αστέρια
2 αστέρια
ένα αστέρι
Ποιότητα διδασκαλίας
Εγκαταστάσεις σχολής
Κοινωνικές δραστηριότητες
Τοποθεσία σχολής

"It was very disappointing"

Bernadeta Eidenaite, σπουδαστής από Λιθουανία

it was completely unorganized, no one told me anything about anything, my friends at camp experienced the same thing. for the amount of money we paid i was not expecting how poorly the camp operated. not to mention the fact that you had to pay extra for nearly all the excursions, making me wonder where the hell did all the money we spent on this went. during the majority of the camp, but especially at the beginning, i felt completely lost, due to how little the staff cared about making sure the students know at least the basics of what's going on. i don't think my English became any better than it was before. the only good thing was my host mother, who was incredibly helpful, sweet, kind, funny, generous and had a beautiful and tidy home. i will miss her.

Διαβάστε περισσότερα...

Η αξιολόγησή μου για αυτή τη σχολή

Ποιότητα διδασκαλίας
Εγκαταστάσεις σχολής
Κοινωνικές δραστηριότητες
Τοποθεσία σχολής
Διάρκεια σπουδών
1 εβδομάδα
Ημερομηνία σπουδών
1 Jul 2024 - 12 Jul 2024
Θα προτείνεις αυτή τη σχολή;
Αυτός είναι ένας επαληθευμένος έλεγχος. Αυτός ο μαθητής έχει κάνει κράτηση σ'ένα μάθημα σε αυτό το σχολείο μέσω του Language International.

"Wonderful experience, I can't wait to apply again next year."

Masa Prosic, σπουδαστής από Σερβία

I am satisfied and happy because I had a beautiful experience, which I would recommend to everyone. The employees at the bar as well as the teachers were friendly and pleasant. All this helped me a lot in improving my English speaking. I'm sorry that I was only there for a week, because the classes are very interesting because there is constant conversation.

Διαβάστε περισσότερα...

Η αξιολόγησή μου για αυτή τη σχολή

Ποιότητα διδασκαλίας
Εγκαταστάσεις σχολής
Κοινωνικές δραστηριότητες
Τοποθεσία σχολής
Ημερομηνία σπουδών
3 Jul 2023 - 7 Jul 2023
Θα προτείνεις αυτή τη σχολή;
Αυτός είναι ένας επαληθευμένος έλεγχος. Αυτός ο μαθητής έχει κάνει κράτηση σ'ένα μάθημα σε αυτό το σχολείο μέσω του Language International.

"Great school, new amazing friends, ton of inforgettable memories"

Yana Savova, σπουδαστής από Βουλγαρία

The location is really good, near a gym and a big supermarket. The dorms had some problems, my apartment was okay, but there were major problems with the toilet and the sink.

I loved the classes and my teacher- 10/10, we didn't study much grammar but we discussed many things and overall the classes helped me speak more fluently and made me less anxious when talking in English.

The food and the organization were really bad, I had to wait for 30min just so I could have some pasta with little sauce or fried meat. About the organization- it was chaos almost all the time, some of us didn't get any bracelets or those student IDs they promised to give. The teamers didn't have much coordination, however, they were friendly and kind, which I appreciate.

I didn't like the activities, the welcoming party was a bit boring, however, I liked the trips to Valetta and the Blue Lagoon.
To sum up, it was a great experience, I met a lot of new friends and improved my speaking, I can confidently say that I can communicate in English owing to the week in Malta, however, in my opinion, it's not worth it for such a high price.

Διαβάστε περισσότερα...

Η αξιολόγησή μου για αυτή τη σχολή

Ποιότητα διδασκαλίας
Εγκαταστάσεις σχολής
Κοινωνικές δραστηριότητες
Τοποθεσία σχολής
Ημερομηνία σπουδών
1 Aug 2022 - 5 Aug 2022
Θα προτείνεις αυτή τη σχολή;
Αυτός είναι ένας επαληθευμένος έλεγχος. Αυτός ο μαθητής έχει κάνει κράτηση σ'ένα μάθημα σε αυτό το σχολείο μέσω του Language International.

"It was a very good experience."

Lea Rozenblat, σπουδαστής από Γαλλία

When i arrived, i waited for one hour with the heat. My room and my roommate were nice but one week after my room was dirty. The food in cafeteria was not so good but it was very good in the green garden. The activity was good, visiting Mdina was so fun. In school, my teacher was so nice and fun.

Διαβάστε περισσότερα...

Η αξιολόγησή μου για αυτή τη σχολή

Ποιότητα διδασκαλίας
Εγκαταστάσεις σχολής
Κοινωνικές δραστηριότητες
Τοποθεσία σχολής
Διάρκεια σπουδών
1 εβδομάδα
Ημερομηνία σπουδών
18 Jul 2022 - 29 Jul 2022
Θα προτείνεις αυτή τη σχολή;
Αυτός είναι ένας επαληθευμένος έλεγχος. Αυτός ο μαθητής έχει κάνει κράτηση σ'ένα μάθημα σε αυτό το σχολείο μέσω του Language International.

"Very good atmosphere and I had fun :)"

Steffen Bölke, σπουδαστής από Γερμανία

Beccy was great and Thomas, too.
Classrooms were okay and the bistro was great. I have not lived there. I had great support in asking for things to do.

Διαβάστε περισσότερα...

Η αξιολόγησή μου για αυτή τη σχολή

Ποιότητα διδασκαλίας
Εγκαταστάσεις σχολής
Τοποθεσία σχολής
Διάρκεια σπουδών
1 εβδομάδα
Ημερομηνία σπουδών
24 Apr 2017 - 5 May 2017
Θα προτείνεις αυτή τη σχολή;
Αυτός είναι ένας επαληθευμένος έλεγχος. Αυτός ο μαθητής έχει κάνει κράτηση σ'ένα μάθημα σε αυτό το σχολείο μέσω του Language International.

"A great new experience with new friends"

Fabio Livio, σπουδαστής από Ιταλία

I booked my own English course on the Internet, as well as my flight and my room (in St. Julians). The location of the school was good. It took 10 minutes to walk from Paceville to my home. I always had good and friendly teachers.

I am very satisfied with the course I had in five weeks. In my class, we were not many (around 8-9 people), which was a very positive thing. I still have much to learn in English but I think I've improved my level.

I've tried only one activity organized by the school (boat party) and it was very good and fun!

Sometimes I ate and drank at the bistro and everything was fine; the prices was okay.

The only bad thing for me though was that we had only a short break-time for lunch (intensive course).

Διαβάστε περισσότερα...

Η αξιολόγησή μου για αυτή τη σχολή

Ποιότητα διδασκαλίας
Εγκαταστάσεις σχολής
Κοινωνικές δραστηριότητες
Τοποθεσία σχολής
Διάρκεια σπουδών
3 εβδομάδες
Ημερομηνία σπουδών
30 Mar 2015 - 24 Apr 2015
Θα προτείνεις αυτή τη σχολή;
Αυτός είναι ένας επαληθευμένος έλεγχος. Αυτός ο μαθητής έχει κάνει κράτηση σ'ένα μάθημα σε αυτό το σχολείο μέσω του Language International.


Sprachcaffe Malta - St. Julians διαθέτει τους παρακάτω τύπου στέγασης:

Διαμέρισμα - Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων - Χωρίς γεύματα

182 €

Standard Apartment - Double room - No meals

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Κοινόχρηστο διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων
Γεύματα: Χωρίς γεύματα
Εγκαταστάσεις: Κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, και τηλέφωνο
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 5 - 15 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
182 €
Standard self-catering apartments are shared by 5-6 students and have a bathroom, a fully-equipped kitchen, and standard furniture. Single or double rooms are available and breakfast, half board or full board can be booked additionally.
Our self-catering standard apartments are located on campus. Please note, however, that during peak season standard apartments may also be located a 10-15 minute walk from campus.

Facilities: All rooms have telephones to receive calls and ventilators. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use.

Services: Cleaning service once a week; students are asked to take care of the day-to-day cleaning. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: In low season, standard apartments are on campus. During high season apartments are usually a 15 minute walk away.
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων - Πρωινό

231 €

Standard Apartment - Double room - Breakfast

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Κοινόχρηστο διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων
Γεύματα: Πρωινό (7 γεύματα την εβδομάδα)
Εγκαταστάσεις: Κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, και τηλέφωνο
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 5 - 15 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
231 €
Standard self-catering apartments are shared by 5-6 students and have a bathroom, a fully-equipped kitchen, and standard furniture. Single or double rooms are available and breakfast, half board or full board can be booked additionally.
Our self-catering standard apartments are located on campus. Please note, however, that during peak season standard apartments may also be located a 10-15 minute walk from campus.

Facilities: All rooms have telephones to receive calls and ventilators. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use.

Services: Cleaning service once a week; students are asked to take care of the day-to-day cleaning. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: In low season, standard apartments are on campus. During high season apartments are usually a 15 minute walk away.
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων - Χωρίς γεύματα

280 €

Comfort Apartment - Double room - No meals

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Κοινόχρηστο διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων
Γεύματα: Χωρίς γεύματα
Εγκαταστάσεις: Κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, τηλέφωνο, και κλιματισμός
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 1 - 5 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
280 €
Comfort self-catering apartments are larger and more comfortably furnished than standard apartments. They are usually shared by 5 students and have a bathroom and a fully-equipped kitchen. Single or double rooms are available and students can book breakfast, half board or full board additionally. Comfort apartments are located on campus in low and peak season and are air-conditioned.

Facilities: All rooms have telephones to receive calls and are air-conditioned. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use. All rooms have a private phone.

Services: Cleaning service twice a week; students are asked to take care of the day-to-day cleaning. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: On campus
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο - Χωρίς γεύματα

301 €

Standard Apartment - Single room - No meals

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Κοινόχρηστο διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο
Γεύματα: Χωρίς γεύματα
Εγκαταστάσεις: Κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, και τηλέφωνο
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 5 - 15 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
301 €
Standard self-catering apartments are shared by 5-6 students and have a bathroom, a fully-equipped kitchen, and standard furniture. Single or double rooms are available and breakfast, half board or full board can be booked additionally.
Our self-catering standard apartments are located on campus. Please note, however, that during peak season standard apartments may also be located a 10-15 minute walk from campus.

Facilities: All rooms have telephones to receive calls and ventilators. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use.

Services: Cleaning service once a week; students are asked to take care of the day-to-day cleaning. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: In low season, standard apartments are on campus. During high season apartments are usually a 15 minute walk away.
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων - Πρωινό

329 €

Comfort Apartment - Double room - Breakfast

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Κοινόχρηστο διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων
Γεύματα: Πρωινό (7 γεύματα την εβδομάδα)
Εγκαταστάσεις: Κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, τηλέφωνο, και κλιματισμός
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 1 - 5 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
329 €
Comfort self-catering apartments are larger and more comfortably furnished than standard apartments. They are usually shared by 5 students and have a bathroom and a fully-equipped kitchen. Single or double rooms are available and students can book breakfast, half board or full board additionally. Comfort apartments are located on campus in low and peak season and are air-conditioned.

Facilities: All rooms have telephones to receive calls and are air-conditioned. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use. All rooms have a private phone.

Services: Cleaning service twice a week; students are asked to take care of the day-to-day cleaning. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: On campus
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων - Πρωινό και το δείπνο

336 €

Standard Apartment - Double room - Half Board

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Κοινόχρηστο διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων
Γεύματα: Πρωινό και το δείπνο (14 γεύματα την εβδομάδα)
Εγκαταστάσεις: Κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, και τηλέφωνο
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 5 - 15 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
336 €
Standard self-catering apartments are shared by 5-6 students and have a bathroom, a fully-equipped kitchen, and standard furniture. Single or double rooms are available and breakfast, half board or full board can be booked additionally.
Our self-catering standard apartments are located on campus. Please note, however, that during peak season standard apartments may also be located a 10-15 minute walk from campus.

Facilities: All rooms have telephones to receive calls and ventilators. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use.

Services: Cleaning service once a week; students are asked to take care of the day-to-day cleaning. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: In low season, standard apartments are on campus. During high season apartments are usually a 15 minute walk away.
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων - Χωρίς γεύματα

350 €

Studio - Double Room - No meals

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Ιδιωτικό διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων
Γεύματα: Χωρίς γεύματα
Εγκαταστάσεις: Ιδιωτικό λουτρό, κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, τηλέφωνο, και κλιματισμός
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 1 - 5 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
Περιορισμοί: 2 μαθητές πρέπει να διατηρούμε μαζί
350 €
Private, self-catering studios can be booked as single or double rooms. The studios are well furnished and nicely decorated. Students can book breakfast, half board or full board additionally. Studios are located on campus and are air-conditioned.

Facilities: All studios have en-suite bathroom and a kitchenette, telephone to receive calls and are air-conditioned. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use.

Services: Cleaning service three times a week. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: The studios are all on campus.
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο - Πρωινό

350 €

Standard Apartment - Single room - Breakfast

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Κοινόχρηστο διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο
Γεύματα: Πρωινό (7 γεύματα την εβδομάδα)
Εγκαταστάσεις: Κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, και τηλέφωνο
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 5 - 15 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
350 €
Standard self-catering apartments are shared by 5-6 students and have a bathroom, a fully-equipped kitchen, and standard furniture. Single or double rooms are available and breakfast, half board or full board can be booked additionally.
Our self-catering standard apartments are located on campus. Please note, however, that during peak season standard apartments may also be located a 10-15 minute walk from campus.

Facilities: All rooms have telephones to receive calls and ventilators. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use.

Services: Cleaning service once a week; students are asked to take care of the day-to-day cleaning. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: In low season, standard apartments are on campus. During high season apartments are usually a 15 minute walk away.
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων - Πρωινό και το δείπνο

385 €

Homestay - Double Room - Half Board

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Κοινόχρηστο διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων
Γεύματα: Πρωινό και το δείπνο (14 γεύματα την εβδομάδα)
Εγκαταστάσεις: Κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, και τηλέφωνο
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 5 - 15 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
385 €
Standard self-catering apartments are shared by 5-6 students and have a bathroom, a fully-equipped kitchen, and standard furniture. Single or double rooms are available and breakfast, half board or full board can be booked additionally.
Our self-catering standard apartments are located on campus. Please note, however, that during peak season standard apartments may also be located a 10-15 minute walk from campus.

Facilities: All rooms have telephones to receive calls and ventilators. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use.

Services: Cleaning service once a week; students are asked to take care of the day-to-day cleaning. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: In low season, standard apartments are on campus. During high season apartments are usually a 15 minute walk away.
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων - Πρωινό

399 €

Studio - Double Room - Breakfast

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Ιδιωτικό διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων
Γεύματα: Πρωινό (7 γεύματα την εβδομάδα)
Εγκαταστάσεις: Ιδιωτικό λουτρό, κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, τηλέφωνο, και κλιματισμός
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 1 - 5 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
Περιορισμοί: 2 μαθητές πρέπει να διατηρούμε μαζί
399 €
Private, self-catering studios can be booked as single or double rooms. The studios are well furnished and nicely decorated. Students can book breakfast, half board or full board additionally. Studios are located on campus and are air-conditioned.

Facilities: All studios have en-suite bathroom and a kitchenette, telephone to receive calls and are air-conditioned. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use.

Services: Cleaning service three times a week. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: The studios are all on campus.
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο - Χωρίς γεύματα

406 €

Comfort Apartment - Single room - No meals

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Κοινόχρηστο διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο
Γεύματα: Χωρίς γεύματα
Εγκαταστάσεις: Κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, τηλέφωνο, και κλιματισμός
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 1 - 5 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
406 €
Comfort self-catering apartments are larger and more comfortably furnished than standard apartments. They are usually shared by 5 students and have a bathroom and a fully-equipped kitchen. Single or double rooms are available and students can book breakfast, half board or full board additionally. Comfort apartments are located on campus in low and peak season and are air-conditioned.

Facilities: All rooms have telephones to receive calls and are air-conditioned. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use. All rooms have a private phone.

Services: Cleaning service twice a week; students are asked to take care of the day-to-day cleaning. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: On campus
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων - πρωινό, μεσημεριανό και βραδινό

413 €

Standard Apartment - Double room - Full Board

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Κοινόχρηστο διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων
Γεύματα: πρωινό, μεσημεριανό και βραδινό (21 γεύματα την εβδομάδα)
Εγκαταστάσεις: Κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, και τηλέφωνο
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 5 - 15 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
413 €
Standard self-catering apartments are shared by 5-6 students and have a bathroom, a fully-equipped kitchen, and standard furniture. Single or double rooms are available and breakfast, half board or full board can be booked additionally.
Our self-catering standard apartments are located on campus. Please note, however, that during peak season standard apartments may also be located a 10-15 minute walk from campus.

Facilities: All rooms have telephones to receive calls and ventilators. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use.

Services: Cleaning service once a week; students are asked to take care of the day-to-day cleaning. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: In low season, standard apartments are on campus. During high season apartments are usually a 15 minute walk away.
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο - Πρωινό και το δείπνο

420 €

Homestay - Single Room - Half Board

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Κοινόχρηστο διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο
Γεύματα: Πρωινό και το δείπνο (14 γεύματα την εβδομάδα)
Εγκαταστάσεις: Κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, και τηλέφωνο
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 5 - 15 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
420 €
Standard self-catering apartments are shared by 5-6 students and have a bathroom, a fully-equipped kitchen, and standard furniture. Single or double rooms are available and breakfast, half board or full board can be booked additionally.
Our self-catering standard apartments are located on campus. Please note, however, that during peak season standard apartments may also be located a 10-15 minute walk from campus.

Facilities: All rooms have telephones to receive calls and ventilators. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use.

Services: Cleaning service once a week; students are asked to take care of the day-to-day cleaning. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: In low season, standard apartments are on campus. During high season apartments are usually a 15 minute walk away.
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων - Πρωινό και το δείπνο

434 €

Comfort Apartment - Double room - Half Board

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Κοινόχρηστο διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων
Γεύματα: Πρωινό και το δείπνο (14 γεύματα την εβδομάδα)
Εγκαταστάσεις: Κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, τηλέφωνο, και κλιματισμός
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 1 - 5 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
434 €
Comfort self-catering apartments are larger and more comfortably furnished than standard apartments. They are usually shared by 5 students and have a bathroom and a fully-equipped kitchen. Single or double rooms are available and students can book breakfast, half board or full board additionally. Comfort apartments are located on campus in low and peak season and are air-conditioned.

Facilities: All rooms have telephones to receive calls and are air-conditioned. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use. All rooms have a private phone.

Services: Cleaning service twice a week; students are asked to take care of the day-to-day cleaning. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: On campus
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο - Πρωινό

455 €

Comfort Apartment - Single room - Breakfast

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Κοινόχρηστο διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο
Γεύματα: Πρωινό (7 γεύματα την εβδομάδα)
Εγκαταστάσεις: Κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, τηλέφωνο, και κλιματισμός
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 1 - 5 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
455 €
Comfort self-catering apartments are larger and more comfortably furnished than standard apartments. They are usually shared by 5 students and have a bathroom and a fully-equipped kitchen. Single or double rooms are available and students can book breakfast, half board or full board additionally. Comfort apartments are located on campus in low and peak season and are air-conditioned.

Facilities: All rooms have telephones to receive calls and are air-conditioned. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use. All rooms have a private phone.

Services: Cleaning service twice a week; students are asked to take care of the day-to-day cleaning. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: On campus
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο - Πρωινό και το δείπνο

455 €

Standard Apartment - Single room - Half Board

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Κοινόχρηστο διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο
Γεύματα: Πρωινό και το δείπνο (14 γεύματα την εβδομάδα)
Εγκαταστάσεις: Κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, και τηλέφωνο
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 5 - 15 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
455 €
Standard self-catering apartments are shared by 5-6 students and have a bathroom, a fully-equipped kitchen, and standard furniture. Single or double rooms are available and breakfast, half board or full board can be booked additionally.
Our self-catering standard apartments are located on campus. Please note, however, that during peak season standard apartments may also be located a 10-15 minute walk from campus.

Facilities: All rooms have telephones to receive calls and ventilators. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use.

Services: Cleaning service once a week; students are asked to take care of the day-to-day cleaning. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: In low season, standard apartments are on campus. During high season apartments are usually a 15 minute walk away.
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων - Πρωινό και το δείπνο

504 €

Studio - Double Room - Half Board

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Ιδιωτικό διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων
Γεύματα: Πρωινό και το δείπνο (14 γεύματα την εβδομάδα)
Εγκαταστάσεις: Ιδιωτικό λουτρό, κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, τηλέφωνο, και κλιματισμός
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 1 - 5 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
Περιορισμοί: 2 μαθητές πρέπει να διατηρούμε μαζί
504 €
Private, self-catering studios can be booked as single or double rooms. The studios are well furnished and nicely decorated. Students can book breakfast, half board or full board additionally. Studios are located on campus and are air-conditioned.

Facilities: All studios have en-suite bathroom and a kitchenette, telephone to receive calls and are air-conditioned. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use.

Services: Cleaning service three times a week. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: The studios are all on campus.
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων - πρωινό, μεσημεριανό και βραδινό

511 €

Comfort Apartment - Double room - Full Board

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Κοινόχρηστο διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων
Γεύματα: πρωινό, μεσημεριανό και βραδινό (21 γεύματα την εβδομάδα)
Εγκαταστάσεις: Κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, τηλέφωνο, και κλιματισμός
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 1 - 5 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
511 €
Comfort self-catering apartments are larger and more comfortably furnished than standard apartments. They are usually shared by 5 students and have a bathroom and a fully-equipped kitchen. Single or double rooms are available and students can book breakfast, half board or full board additionally. Comfort apartments are located on campus in low and peak season and are air-conditioned.

Facilities: All rooms have telephones to receive calls and are air-conditioned. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use. All rooms have a private phone.

Services: Cleaning service twice a week; students are asked to take care of the day-to-day cleaning. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: On campus
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο - πρωινό, μεσημεριανό και βραδινό

532 €

Standard Apartment - Single room - Full Board

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Κοινόχρηστο διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο
Γεύματα: πρωινό, μεσημεριανό και βραδινό (21 γεύματα την εβδομάδα)
Εγκαταστάσεις: Κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, και τηλέφωνο
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 5 - 15 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
532 €
Standard self-catering apartments are shared by 5-6 students and have a bathroom, a fully-equipped kitchen, and standard furniture. Single or double rooms are available and breakfast, half board or full board can be booked additionally.
Our self-catering standard apartments are located on campus. Please note, however, that during peak season standard apartments may also be located a 10-15 minute walk from campus.

Facilities: All rooms have telephones to receive calls and ventilators. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use.

Services: Cleaning service once a week; students are asked to take care of the day-to-day cleaning. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: In low season, standard apartments are on campus. During high season apartments are usually a 15 minute walk away.
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο - Πρωινό και το δείπνο

560 €

Comfort Apartment - Single room - Half Board

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Κοινόχρηστο διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο
Γεύματα: Πρωινό και το δείπνο (14 γεύματα την εβδομάδα)
Εγκαταστάσεις: Κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, τηλέφωνο, και κλιματισμός
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 1 - 5 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
560 €
Comfort self-catering apartments are larger and more comfortably furnished than standard apartments. They are usually shared by 5 students and have a bathroom and a fully-equipped kitchen. Single or double rooms are available and students can book breakfast, half board or full board additionally. Comfort apartments are located on campus in low and peak season and are air-conditioned.

Facilities: All rooms have telephones to receive calls and are air-conditioned. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use. All rooms have a private phone.

Services: Cleaning service twice a week; students are asked to take care of the day-to-day cleaning. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: On campus
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο - Χωρίς γεύματα

560 €

Studio - Single Room - No meals

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Ιδιωτικό διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο
Γεύματα: Χωρίς γεύματα
Εγκαταστάσεις: Ιδιωτικό λουτρό, κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, τηλέφωνο, και κλιματισμός
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 1 - 5 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
560 €
Private, self-catering studios can be booked as single or double rooms. The studios are well furnished and nicely decorated. Students can book breakfast, half board or full board additionally. Studios are located on campus and are air-conditioned.

Facilities: All studios have a private bathroom and a kitchenette, telephone to receive calls and are air-conditioned. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use.

Services: Cleaning service three times a week. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: The studios are all on campus.
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων - πρωινό, μεσημεριανό και βραδινό

581 €

Studio - Double Room - Full Board

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Ιδιωτικό διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Κοινό δωμάτιο 2 ατόμων
Γεύματα: πρωινό, μεσημεριανό και βραδινό (21 γεύματα την εβδομάδα)
Εγκαταστάσεις: Ιδιωτικό λουτρό, κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, τηλέφωνο, και κλιματισμός
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 1 - 5 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
Περιορισμοί: 2 μαθητές πρέπει να διατηρούμε μαζί
581 €
Private, self-catering studios can be booked as single or double rooms. The studios are well furnished and nicely decorated. Students can book breakfast, half board or full board additionally. Studios are located on campus and are air-conditioned.

Facilities: All studios have en-suite bathroom and a kitchenette, telephone to receive calls and are air-conditioned. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use.

Services: Cleaning service three times a week. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: The studios are all on campus.
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο - Πρωινό

609 €

Studio - Single Room - Breakfast

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Ιδιωτικό διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο
Γεύματα: Πρωινό (7 γεύματα την εβδομάδα)
Εγκαταστάσεις: Ιδιωτικό λουτρό, κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, τηλέφωνο, και κλιματισμός
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 1 - 5 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
609 €
Private, self-catering studios can be booked as single or double rooms. The studios are well furnished and nicely decorated. Students can book breakfast, half board or full board additionally. Studios are located on campus and are air-conditioned.

Facilities: All studios have en-suite bathroom and a kitchenette, telephone to receive calls and are air-conditioned. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use.

Services: Cleaning service three times a week. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: The studios are all on campus.
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο - πρωινό, μεσημεριανό και βραδινό

637 €

Comfort Apartment - Single room - Full Board

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Κοινόχρηστο διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο
Γεύματα: πρωινό, μεσημεριανό και βραδινό (21 γεύματα την εβδομάδα)
Εγκαταστάσεις: Κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, τηλέφωνο, και κλιματισμός
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 1 - 5 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
637 €
Comfort self-catering apartments are larger and more comfortably furnished than standard apartments. They are usually shared by 5 students and have a bathroom and a fully-equipped kitchen. Single or double rooms are available and students can book breakfast, half board or full board additionally. Comfort apartments are located on campus in low and peak season and are air-conditioned.

Facilities: All rooms have telephones to receive calls and are air-conditioned. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use. All rooms have a private phone.

Services: Cleaning service twice a week; students are asked to take care of the day-to-day cleaning. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: On campus
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο - Πρωινό και το δείπνο

714 €

Studio - Single Room - Half Board

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Ιδιωτικό διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο
Γεύματα: Πρωινό και το δείπνο (14 γεύματα την εβδομάδα)
Εγκαταστάσεις: Ιδιωτικό λουτρό, κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, τηλέφωνο, και κλιματισμός
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 1 - 5 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
714 €
Private, self-catering studios can be booked as single or double rooms. The studios are well furnished and nicely decorated. Students can book breakfast, half board or full board additionally. Studios are located on campus and are air-conditioned.

Facilities: All studios have a private bathroom and a kitchenette, telephone to receive calls and are air-conditioned. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use.

Services: Cleaning service three times a week. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: The studios are all on campus.
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Διαμέρισμα - Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο - πρωινό, μεσημεριανό και βραδινό

791 €

Studio - Single Room - Full Board

Κλίμακα ηλικιών: 18 χρονών και μεγαλύτερος
Περιοχή: In the city center of St Julian's
Τύπος στέγασης: Ιδιωτικό διαμέρισμα
Τύπος δωματίου: Μονόκλινο δωμάτιο
Γεύματα: πρωινό, μεσημεριανό και βραδινό (21 γεύματα την εβδομάδα)
Εγκαταστάσεις: Ιδιωτικό λουτρό, κουζίνα, πλυντήριο, τηλέφωνο, και κλιματισμός
Απόσταση από το σχολείο: 1 - 5 πρακτικά με το walk
Διαθεσιμότητα: Ιανουάριος - Δεκέμβριος
Ημέρα άφιξης: Κυριακή, οποτεδήποτε
Ημέρα αναχώρησης: Σάββατο, οποτεδήποτε
791 €
Private, self-catering studios can be booked as single or double rooms. The studios are well furnished and nicely decorated. Students can book breakfast, half board or full board additionally. Studios are located on campus and are air-conditioned.

Facilities: All studios have en-suite bathroom and a kitchenette, telephone to receive calls and are air-conditioned. There is a small launderette in the school for students' use.

Services: Cleaning service three times a week. Bed-linen and towels are provided.

Distance to school: The studios are all on campus.
Distance to supermarket: The closest supermarket is 5 minutes away.
Distance to the beach: The closest beach is ten minutes away on foot. Sandy beaches are in the north of the island, 30 minutes away by bus.

Key deposit: 50 EUR

Υποστήριξη βίζας

Δεν μπορούμε να υποβάλουμε αίτηση για βίζα για λογαριασμό των σπουδαστών. Ωστόσο, η σχολή μπορεί να σας προμηθεύσει με όλα τα έγγραφα που χρειάζεστε για να υποστηρίξετε την αίτηση βίζας.

Η επιστολή αποδοχής σας θα σταλεί στη διεύθυνση του σπιτιού σας με απλό ταχυδρομείο δωρεάν. Εάν επιθυμείτε να λάβετε τα έγγραφά σας με κατεπείγουσα ταχυδρομική αποστολή, θα χρεωθείτε! amount κατά την εγγραφή σας.

Πτήσεις και μεταφορά αεροδρομίου

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to St Julian's based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Ασφάλεια ταξιδίου

Σπουδάστε στο εξωτερικό χωρίς προβλήματισμούς με την ασφάλεια υγείας και προσωπικής κάλυψης της Language International. Όταν πραγματοποιείτε κράτηση κύκλου σπουδών με μας, μπορείτε να επιλέξετε να αποκτήσετε ένα διεθνές σχέδιο ασφάλισης που δεν καλύπτει μόνο το κόστος της υγειονομικής περίθαλψης, αλλά και την απώλεια των προσωπικών σας αντικειμένων. Πρέπει να κάνετε κράτηση για την ασφάλεια σας εκ των προτέρων κατά την εγγραφή σας.

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